SCCM script with Silent Install

SCCM script with Silent Install

#Get Folder to Install SW Because installing over the wireless may take to long.
Get-Item "\\SERVER\0rganize\SWLicensed\ProLandscape\PLSFiles" |
Copy-Item -Destination "C:\Downloads\SW" -Recurse
Start-Sleep -S 300

#Execute Installation 
Start-Sleep -S 300

#Let SCCM know it has been installed.
GCI "\\SERVER\0rganize\SWLicensed\ProLandscape\PLSScript\ProLandScape.txt" |
Copy-Item -Destination "C:\Downloads\SW"

Of coarse the XXXX are my serial number etc and the and line 7 is actually at the end of Line 6. (Attachement)

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