Moving your database to another computer

Moving your database to another computer

Reasons why you would want to do this:
  1. Replace an existing computer
  2. Keep current customization's
  3. Have the same database on a second computer
You will need someway of transferring 2 files. (USB, shared network drive, or cloud drive) 

1. Go to the following location C:\Users\Public\Documents\PRO Landscape on the computer that has your current database.  
2. Copy the reports and symbols folder to whatever media you are using to transfer the files to the new computer. 
3. Then go to the same location C:\Users\Public\Documents\PRO Landscape on the second computer. 
4. Copy and paste and say yes to replace the current ones in that location. 
5. Open up the program and you should have the same database as your main computer. 

This is what both locations will look like on both computers.
Windows explorer

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