selection modifier

How to use the selection modifier tool

Selection Modifier - Allows selection of symbols by name, layer, size and more.

Selection modifier boxSelection modifier boxSelect by Field box

  1. You can press either CTRL+M or you can go to Edit >> Selection >> Modify Selection.
  2. Click Qualifier >> Database.
  3. In the Select by Field >> choose in this case SymbolName. In the value box you can either use the exact name or part of the name with an asterisk at the end to make it a generic wildcard character.
  4. Click okay and add. Users can use the AND & OR options to expand the selection criteria.
  5. Once the selection modifier is added, the symbols that meet the criteria will be selected.
  6. Once selected, you can either delete, resize, replace selected symbols and much more.
This tool can be used for other things like layers and text and not just for symbols.

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