Adding Favorites file through iTunes

Adding favorites file through iTunes

You will need to install iTunes on your computer. You can get iTunes from apples website.

Open iTunes >> Then connect your tablet to the computer with the cable that came with it. You should see your tablet listed. Then click on file sharing. On the right you should see the PROLandscape App listed. Make sure to click on it.
iTunes screenshot

Open Image Editor on your computer. Click on start drawing immediately.
Image Editor screenshot

Then go to Companion in the menu bar. Then click on create PRO Landscape Companion Favorites file.
Image Editor screenshot

It will ask for a location to save the file. Choose the desktop location and hit save. A box will come up asking if you want to create an object database. Say yes. It will take a few minutes to create the file. Once completed it will say successful and click okay.
Save dialog box

Create object database dialog

Now go back to iTunes and look on the desktop. You should see a favorites file there. Drag and drop it into the PRO Landscape Documents. It should show up on the right side.

iTunes screenshot

Disconnect your tablet, close iTunes. You should now be able to start a design on the tablet.

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